
Got Two Big Fish in Iraq

Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance4/20/2010 1:37:49 pm PDT

re: #78 Slumbering Behemoth

And all I am seeing there is reference to the WMD’s. There was no proof that there were still WMD’s and though I believed Colin powell at the time I only believed him because it was Colin Powell. The bottom line is there were no WMD’s, former weapons inspectors said there weren’t Saddam offered to allow them in and Bush went ahead with the war anyway.

For the record I supported Bush right up until then, I supported the initial invasion if only because it would get saddam’s boot off the throat of the people. Add to that the fact that I wanted to see the DFH’s suck on it when we succeeded (I had supported bush after 9-11). Instead it was more bull shit.

We’ll be greeted as liberators, we’ll be there less than a year, all of it was bull shit.