
Wingnut Radio Host Berry On NY Mosque: 'I Hope Somebody Blows It Up'

Gus5/28/2010 2:04:40 pm PDT

re: #81 ralphieboy

I don’t want to come out as advocating having Obama torn apart by diplaced polar apeex predators, but he did come out in favor of offshore drilling once a long time ago…

It’s nothing that any Republican dare call him out on, but it has greatly weaking any remaining integrity there was to his positions on the environment.

The critics on the right criticized Obama’s support of offshore drilling as being timid or a ploy. The critics on the left criticized Obama’s support of offshore drilling as going too far.

We can’t place a moratorium on off shore oil drilling. Not for the foreseeable future.

The “art” in question however is a criticism of the US position at COP-15. I assume that the “artist” wanted the USA to take the side of the totalitarian nation of Sudan.