
President Obama Quotes Jimi Hendrix

HoosierHoops9/06/2010 6:30:40 pm PDT

This is a Jimi Thread..So I’ve been working on words for a song about leaving Indiana…My Guitar is already packed…And the words posted…
But I really like the rewrite of the first chorus…
It’s in the key of D

Highway 44 West
By the Hoopster

The next time you see me
I’ll be running down Highway 44 west
Barreling down the road
Crashing over the crest

Time to say goodbye..
Time to set a course
Pushing down the pedal tonight
On Highway 44
Time to arrive on the pavement
Time to do the deed
Barreling down Highway 44
Time to be free with this speed
On Highway 44

( Wicked lead here)

That’s all I got so far lizards