
Overnight Open Thread

lawhawk10/11/2010 6:36:15 am PDT

re: #92 wozzablog

Ending of recession is a very technical definition entirely unrelated to job creation. The recession ending just means annual growth is out of the red after two straight quarters.

Unemployment is a lagging indicator of economic performance - and much of the increased productivity in the economy is due to employees doubling down to save their own jobs and picking up work previously done by their now exited co-workers. A situation that is unsustainable for any serious length of time.

And when that italicized portion extends for a length of time warrants job creation.

However, that isn’t happening in the private sector this go-round for some reason. I would trace that reason to the Administration’s economic policies, which include the stimulus package that has not delivered on what it was promised to be - creating jobs and keeping unemployment from getting out of hand.

Krugman is right that jobs aren’t being created, but he thinks that the federal government is in the position to create jobs through spending (but only his brand of spending instead of say on the military, which would not only create jobs within the military, but within the defense contractors that are manufacturing jobs that are one area of the job sector that has been in steady decline for some time now). I would say that the private sector is in a position to create jobs.