
Mysterious Missile Launched Off California Coast

Mad Prophet Ludwig11/09/2010 11:56:20 am PST

re: #1 Killgore Trout

Mysterious “missile” launch seen off Los Angeles coast a “problem of perspective”

Optical illusion.

I do not buy this for one instant.

I repeat. It is not possible to make a straight horizontal trajectory look like an arcing vertical trajectory from miles away.

Seriously, try it! Do the experiment. Take a straight wire or a pen or something long and thin and move it around . See if there is any place you can put your head where that straight horizontal thing looks curved and vertical.

If you want I could prove this with projective geometry - but I really don’t think anyone here would care for the math. Just grap something long and thin and try it.

This is horse shit.

Further, the footage from CBS in Lawhawk’s post clearly clearly shows LA in the foreground. LA is big. This missile was far away.

look at 32 seconds.

Further, look at the size of the plume and the obvious roundness of it from the shadows. Jets just don’t have contrails that look like that.

Furhter, look at the obviously flaming rear of the bird - unless that jet has some serious afterburners, you would not see that. This was not a jet. This was not an optical illusion. You are being taken in by crap.