
Franklin Graham on Donald Trump: 'Maybe This Guy's Right'

WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]4/22/2011 4:06:49 pm PDT

re: #79 goddamnedfrank

we seem to be on the same page :D

What is your take on my take? Which is Trump sucks and is saying psycho stuff, but Palin sucks worse because, the same, plus the horror of who’s gonna be running the show in the background

I think I’m in the minority with this, but I just get physically repulsed by Palin, I think there’s no “schtick” with her, she is like a vessel for the worst elements of America

Trump…eh it seems like the schitck goes down only so far, he’s vaudevilling it up, and then he’s just another rich guy running for office