
Jim 'Dim' Hoft Says Obama Booed at AIPAC, Posts Video With No Boos

Scottish Dragon5/22/2011 12:34:06 pm PDT

Here is my nominee for knee jerk asshat racist comment of the day:

#33 May 22, 2011 at 10:53 am
chuck in st paul commented:

@20 Sylvie – “No one put in doubt the legitimate claims of Israel.”

Yeah actually they did, and have since 1948. Now who’s ignorant? In point of fact Israel has held claim to that land for over 5,000 years. The “Palestinians” are a fiction. The British named the area “Palestine” in 1922. That did not change the fact that it is the ancestral home of the Jews.

Today’s so-called Palestinians are the descendents of the Arab a$$holes who fled Israel in 1948 on promises of the Arab attackers that once the eeeevil Jooos were all killed off then they could go back and take the whole place for themselves. So the greedy and fearful asshats did. Oooops. It didn’t work out that way. NOW they want to go take back what they lost in a war. F*ck ‘em. In point of fact if you look up the ancient maps of Palestine it resides in Jordan, Syria, and parts of Lebenon, but mostly in Jordon. What the [bigoted word]s call Palestine is in fact Canaan, which became Judah, which became Judea by the time of Christ.

Take your Arab loving ignorant butt somewhere else.

The Palestinian Problem is something the Arabs have been using for decades to jab at Israel. It was and is solvable by moving the “Palestinians” onto Arab lands. They are Arabs after all, a bunch of Devil workshipping hateful cockroaches.

Somebody get this guy a job at Fox.
/ (do I have to?)