
Rep. Weiner Tells Friends He Will Resign

Killgore Trout6/16/2011 9:51:31 am PDT

A scathing editorial from the Jerusalem Post….
Godspeed to Jerusalem, Glenn Beck

So wackos like Beck and Palin and Bachmann love us – but only as long as we go on fighting their enemies. If we ever make peace with them, our dear, devoted Republican friends will not be amused. Neither will the likes of Danny Danon, of course, so the American Right and Israeli Right have become the closest, most natural of allies.

Incidentally, who, more than anybody else, forged this covenant? Netanyahu, starting about 30 years ago, and along the way gaining the admiration of every major crackpot, Islamophobic evangelical preacher, from the late Jerry Falwell to Pat Robertson to John Hagee and on.

And what the Glenn Beck rally will do is proclaim this covenant in blazing fashion. It will sear into the consciousness of Israelis and Americans, but above all American Jews, what this country now stands for. By showing them who Israel’s friends are, it will show them what Israel is.

Who are Israel’s friends? Right-wing meshuggenehs. What is Israel? A right-wing meshugge country.
