
FBI Charges Mass. Man with Plotting Remote-Controlled Terror Attacks

Renaissance_Man9/29/2011 12:18:55 pm PDT

re: #88 HappyWarrior

IS there anything an Obama adviser or Obama could say that wouldn’t outrage these d-bags? I don’t think it’s a bad statement at all. I guess they want her to declare feudalism back in style, I dunno. I can totally see these people crying about the GI Bill after WWII though.

The short answer is no.

Remember, the cult is angry because Democrats exist. They don’t actually want anything specific, no matter how much they bleat about taxes or whatnot. None of their ‘complaints’ make any sense, given that taxes are in fact lower, guns are untouched, and so on. What they want is to be angry - it is the point of their faith. The whole idea is not to achieve a goal, it is to hate - hate liberals, hate Democrats, hate foreigners, hate them.