
Santorum To Rape Victims: 'Accept What God Has Given You'

What, me worry?1/23/2012 2:06:03 pm PST

I’m pretty much convinced that the majority of women my age (I’ll be 50 next week…hurrah….) have been date raped. And most likely more than once. All the talk of free love in my generation, it was almost expected that you just DO it whether you want to or not.

Of course, this could certainly encompass other generations of women, but I think the generation behind me is wiser. Not stronger, necessarily, because when a man wants to, it’s a lot easier to give in than to quibble. And a lot safer, lest you get a sock in the jaw. But I think wiser to the extent that they don’t allow themselves to get into this situation to start. I could be wrong, but personal experience, talking with my friends and their teenage daughters, this is what I’ve come up with.

I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to hear from assholes like Santorum speak about a man’s responsibility in the rape scenario, but you never hear about that, no, no, no.