
Right Wing Blogs Still Stalking and Spewing Hatred at Sandra Fluke

Sir John Barron3/15/2012 12:34:58 pm PDT
Actually, yes. There’s always the Internet’s Dumbest, Most Hateful Wingnut, Jim Hoft: Poor Sandra Fluke… She Wants You to Pay for Her $9/Month Birth Control as She Frolics in Spain & Pompeii | the Gateway Pundit.

Notwithstanding what her actual testimony was, and notwithstanding that it would be insurers not taxpayers footing the bills, wouldn’t the relatively low cost of BC (as Hoft is aledging) mean that insurers wouldn’t be paying all that much to provide it? I’m really not understanding the anger and vitriol here in general, and that directed towards Ms. Fluke especially.