
Video: What It's Like for a Dog in a Kennel on the Roof of a Car on a Freeway

prairiefire4/17/2012 8:53:27 pm PDT

re: #87 freetoken

Yeah, he’s too cool. Bush - I could see doing a bbq with him. McCain - probably a decent conversation, likewise with Huckabee. Santorum - well, I suppose I could stop by on Christmas and find some good cookies to snack on for an hour or so.

But the Romney’s are so distant from that with which I can connect, that I can’t see (projection) many people motivated to turn out and vote.

Yeah, but you are a guy. These patriarchal types would not give my nerdy liberal type gal the time of day. Well, maybe the time of day, but they would not ask me to the bbq.