
'My Grandfather Was Not a Monkey!'

Shay4l3/27/2009 6:16:31 pm PDT

re: #912 Shay4l

People, I’m not a creationist, nor do I want religion is public schools, but I have this to say about your disturbing discussion. This is a representative democracy. You are not allowed to deny the rights of creationists, nor their representatives that they duly elect to government, just because you believe they are wrong.

Saying you want to demonize and marginalize creationists puts you in the same category as very unsavory people. Think about what you are asking to be brought about

The battle is in the realm of our legally voted representatives, not in the mob and the guillotine..

Unfortunatley your post was the one quoted, but my comment was mostly direct to re: #891 Alberta Oil Peon