
El Marco: Ward Churchill Trial in Denver

Gus3/09/2009 10:10:10 pm PDT

This is rich. Obama’s failing with the economy so he’s “mustering” the old campaign machine in order to garner support for his plan:

“US President Barack Obama mustered his powerful campaign army on Monday, calling on his millions of supporters to lobby on behalf of his budget and economic plan. The appeal to back the president was made in an email and video sent out by “Organizing for America,” the organization which morphed out of Obama’s campaign machinery to push his agenda when he entered the White House.

In the video, Mitch Stewart, the director of Organizing for America, urged the president’s supporters to take part in the “Organizing for America Pledge Project. The pledge project is an ambitious effort to map out and identify support for President Obama’s economic blueprint across towns and communities in America,” Stewart said.

We’re doing that by asking people to pledge your support for the broad initiatives outlined in President Obama’s economic plan. Once you do, we will ask you to build support in your own communities by forwarding this pledge by email, by knocking on doors and by making phone call,” he said… “

More smoke and mirrors for the minions.