
Ann Coulter and the Council of Conservative Citizens, Part Deux

BLBfootballs2/16/2009 11:05:05 am PST

re: #905 LudwigVanQuixote

OK there are two ways to take what he is trying to say. If taken the bad way, this does sound very condescending and weird.

I don’t know this poster, but I am going to give him (or her) the benefit of the doubt and try to rephrase him just a little.

Now also, there are plenty of devout believing Christians who are secure enough in their own faith that the existence of Jewish people does not make them uncomfortable.

That said, the fact that there are still many Christians who believe that Jews would be happier people, with all the no longer being damned to eternal suffering in hell and such if they only became Christian is real.

If the commenter was merely trying to say that “hey, get real, lots of people believe this” and “this is America, they have a right to believe this”
then I have to agree with his statement of reality.

The problem, speaking as a Jew, and I believe for most Jews is that being told that you are going to burn in hell for keeping your faith is not a lot of fun. It does make us cranky.

OK…. so be cranky. Whether or not it’s said out loud, it remains a widely held Christian belief (in fact from what I understand it’s a fundamental Christian belief). Your hurt feelings are not reason enough to change it or prevent people from expressing it. Hurt feelings are the small price of a free society. Considering that the belief is totally mainstream and held peacefully and respectfully by millions of decent Americans it’s not even in the same category as racial supremacism or other noxious ideological fumes.