
Video: No Global Warming in the Last 10 Years?

Coracle9/07/2009 10:20:00 pm PDT

re: #940 wkeller

OK, here is a list to over 200 peer reviewed studies that provide alternatives to AGW.


Is there a single scientist on this board?? I have spent nearlhy 40 years in the scientific community and have never seen such a bunch of koolaid drinkers in my life. Go back to school. Take some basic science classes. Learn what the scientific method is.

Ignorance is a painful way to life, you can change that if you wish.

Been there, done that - on a previous thread at LGF. I looked at a half dozen random papers on that list, and they DO NOT make anti-AGW claims. Some of them, in fact do quite the opposite.

Nice argument from authority by the way. What part of the science community have you spent 40 years in? Climate science? Anything related to it? For all your claimed experience you don’t seem to show much respect for the scientific method when the conclusion is other than your preference.

THe only thing worse than ignorance is willful ignorance.