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Cato the Elder5/03/2010 9:25:38 pm PDT

OK, just to lighten the mood, I’m reposting this from the last thread, where someone joked that the Mayflower stopped at Plymouth Rock because they ran out of beer.

Did a little research and found this in an old journal kept by one of the servants of the Saints who travelled 66 days in that creaking tub to get here and give us traditions like Thanksgiving and killing Indians:

“And John Crackstone† did smite ye Rock, and ye Rock did split asunder with a Crack, and Beer and Ale and Honey and Water and Wine and Gin and Whiskey and Mead did spill forth, each from its several Place, and there was much Merrymaking that Night, and nine Months later there was great Increase among ye People and Dogs††.”

†Actual name of one of the Saints.

††There were at least two dogs who made the voyage: a female mastiff and a springer spaniel.

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