
LGF on Glenn Beck

Quilly Mammoth4/16/2009 9:43:04 pm PDT

Ok, he’s had Paul on a lot. I’ve never watched Beck on TV. But on the following video he seems to be saying that Ron Paul is like a broken clock who’s right twice a day.

Youtube Video

Beck says he doesn’t agree with Paul and Paul goes into his nutty money policy thing. But I am also worried that Treasury and the Fed can spend money not appropriated by Congress.

I also worry that opposition to Obama’s agenda and the Transnationalist agenda gets too fragmented. It’s hard to throw everyone over board. Going the way of Geller and others who embrace fascists is clear cut. Past that it gets harder.

I met a few Paulians at the Tea Party I went to. They were small in number and for the most part seemed like people looking for the truth and fairly harmless. They seemed to be attracted to Ron Paul because he was telling them that things aren’t right. I think they many have never been exposed to a clear voice uncluttered by lunacy. VDH would be a start for them.

Regardless, hysterics and buying a years worth of food is not going to lead us out of this mess.