
Overnight Open Thread

Kosh's Shadow5/26/2009 9:11:46 am PDT

re: #943 sattv4u2

Sorry Real. but we’ll have to agree to disagree. “Underemployment” is one of those feel good phrases the liberals trot out to denegrate capitilism. If I was trained as a blacksmith and I lived in Boston I have 3 choices
MOVE to someplace that NEEDS blacksmiths
RETRAIN to something that needed in Boston
ALLOW the gov’t to take care of me

Where the notion came that when one reaches a certain income level they must be gaurunteed to stay there is a mystery to me

Or find someplace in Boston that did need a blacksmith. (Or nearby Boston.)
Go 30 miles out and there are several; 40-50 miles out and there are even more. Plus, houses are a lot cheaper and you could commute by horse.