
CPAC 2014, Festival of Lunacy Photo Gallery, Featuring Cowboy Reagan

TedStriker3/08/2014 6:50:26 pm PST

re: #59 Charles Johnson

The Koch brothers hooking up with Star Wars.

Money has changed hands. Big time. Those costumes have to be licensed, for a lot of kale.

re: #62 EPR-radar

From this, it would appear that Lucas’ conversion to the dark side is complete.

re: #82 jaunte

Unless they ‘forgot’ those costumes are licensed property.

Remember who owns almost all of the Star Wars IP these days (with the exception of the original trilogy films, which Fox holds the rights to those until 2020 or so): Disney.

Somehow, I’m guessing these were cosplayers on a gig (SW cosplayers are famous for going to great lengths to make movie-accurate costumes; see the 501st Legion) and no money went to LucasFilm/Disney for any sort of licensing.