
Election Night Open Thread 4

SteveMcGriftFlynnComey... ...corruptemoligate RN11/09/2016 1:41:38 am PST

OK maybe trying a little bit too hard but here goes:

Trump’s #1 job is to get re-elected. I think he’ll try to walk a fine line between tearing the country apart and just trying to do his MAGA schtick. By that I mean he won’t go whole hog after immigrants during his first term because he’s going to be busy truing to keep the economy from imploding. Congress will approve infrastructure spending because 1. Republican governments increase the debt, 2. the only reason they didn’t approve infrastructure eight years ago was because they were trying to keep the country in recession because Obama, and 3. they’re going to have to save the country from the depression that Trump starts.

Well, I think that’s how they’ll start out out but by 2018 they’ll be looking for scapegoats for domestic problems and saying it was all building since Obama was prez (and the willing idiots will buy it).

Internationally, we’re just screwed. Trump will still blame it all on Obama (and the idiots will buy it again). At least ISIS won’t care about us anymore (as if that were ever really an issue).

And we have to listen to the goons crow for years to come.

Nope, I can’t even polish this turd a little.