
The Bob & Chez Show: The Trump Tennis Ball Machine

BeachDem11/21/2016 2:17:51 pm PST

re: #81 HappyWarrior

Already? Honestly I’m not impressed with her. I do gotta love though how Clinton gets shit for not always being pro SSM when Gabbard was not only hostile to gay marriage by LGBT rights for a long time. I mean I do give her credit since she seems to have done a 180 and sponsored and co-sponsored a lot of legislation. But she also attacked the Iranian deal. She’s probably low on my list on who I’d support in 2020. I really like Senators Duckworth and Booekr of the names I’ve seen floated. I like Warren too but not sure if she’s presidential material.

She spoke at our state convention a few years ago, and there was something about her that sparked my spidy sense. Really creeped me out, but I can’t remember exactly why. (Tim Scott and one other local politician give me the same creepy feeling when I’m in the same room with them.)

Remember, there were a bunch of Berners who wanted her to be Bernie’s VP pick. Doubt it ever would have happened, but many of them lurved them some Tulsi a few months ago.