
Is Donald Trump Being Targeted by the Deep State? - SOME MORE NEWS

Citizen K1/23/2019 6:01:13 am PST

re: #90 A Mom Anon

Also notice how Nathan Phillips has almost totally disappeared from this conversation online and in the news. Instead of interviewing the next CEO of His Daddy’s Company, maybe our idiot media could talk a bit about our own history and why this shit matters in that context. But no, America doesn’t do introspection, because yeehaw. And meanwhile evil shit prevails.

The only time he appears is to cast him as villain, as the devious, aggressive instigator that dared to get up in the face of a pure innocent white boy. and play a drum RIGHT IN HIS FACE, THE HORROR.

Oh, and apparently he’s not really a Vet and is a filthy lying brown person on top of it all, judging by the new trend.

Only pure white males can ever be heroes, thus everyone else must be the villains.