
MTG and House Republicans Humiliated as Mayorkas Impeachment Crashes and Burns: A Closer Look

lawhawk2/08/2024 5:52:34 am PST

Washington Times: retailers flee cities because of high crime. Bulkshit.

Oh, so crime’s so bad that retailers are fleeing? It has nothing to do with brick and mortar businesses losing more and more ground to online retailers (or even online divisions of the brick and mortar businesses). This is the ongoing claim that crime is spiraling out of control that has no basis in reality as crime is down from a few years ago, and far from a hellscape, crime is at or near historic multidecade lows in much of the country.

GOP and right wingers keep fearmongering about crime, immigration, and the economy, in defiance of facts and reality. Right wing propagandists keep trying to spin good news about the economy and crime as though those don’t exist.

Even the NRF has admitted that they’ve oversold the narrative that crime is causing businesses to flee.