
Evolutionary Adaptations Forced by Climate Change

karmic_inquisitor8/14/2009 3:51:56 pm PDT

re: #75 Ojoe

Eucalyptus also planted on the north coast of Calif. to grow fuel for the steam schooners, old timers here assert.

Interesting. Down here there wasn’t much in the way of timbers to work with.

Something that “sounds right” but I never bothered to verify was a claim that I heard from the former monsignor at the San Diego Mission. He said the original mission (what is there now is not original) had a very narrow church because there were few long timbers that one could harvest from the area. he claimed that as one goes farther north in the mission chain, the churches get wider and wider (with some exceptions in dry areas like at Mission San Antonio) because taller trees were available.