
Video: The Worst That Could Happen

Aceofwhat?12/12/2009 7:12:12 pm PST

re: #71 LudwigVanQuixote

The issue of AGW as it relates to contagion is that the critters that carry contagions will migrate with climate shifts into new habitats and infect people without immunities.

Given the severe strain put on world economies by loosing cites, wars, refugees and massive food and clean water shortages, it will not likely be possible to produce vaccines and vaccinate quickly enough.

That is how it fits in.

The only bright side to that picture is that if there is a rally bad pandemic, there will be less fighting over food and water.

Disagree completely. We make vaccines like we make matchbox cars, i.e. the process has become so simple that it’s hard to make a profit. The civil unrest that would be required to shatter our ability to churn out vaccines en masse would do us in before the diseases had a chance.