
Catholic School Rejects Child Because Parents Are Gay

albusteve3/08/2010 10:58:24 pm PST

re: #89 Gus 802

Yes and no. They have the right to freedom of association and reject the child but we have the right to explain and voice our decent to those actions they take. This goes beyond mere freedom of religion issues because the Archdiocese of Denver and more particularly, the Archbishop Charles Chaput, is engaged in public dialogue that will effect public policy. They and he do not exist in a vacuum outside of the public sphere and Chaput’s primary purpose if to sway public opinion “through his flock” in order to change public policy.

These matters go well beyond this child being rejected. It includes Chaput’s very public stance regarding Roe vs. Wade; gay marriage; health care reform; his signing of the Manhattan Declaration and so on. It is no surprise then to find that Chaput is also author of the book, Render Unto Ceaser which is described as:

Yes, they have a right to their voice and so do we on the other side. To suggest that we “play along” and allow them to speak and act unopposed would only lead to the capitulation of American society to, in this case, a Catholic theocracy.

so what do you propose?…you are playing with fire here, the Church can educate whoever they want, or not…it’s a free country, the Catholic Church has no designs on govt