
Comedy Central Backs Down After Islamic Group's Threats Over 'South Park'

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines4/22/2010 2:56:32 pm PDT

Sheesh! The convergence is complete.

Liberal icon catches up: Racist teabagger Noam Chomsky slams Obama, defends Tea Party, Palin

The level of anger and fear is like nothing I can compare in my lifetime. Ridiculing the tea party shenanigans is a serious error. For over 30 years, real incomes have stagnated or declined…The bankers, who are primarily responsible for the crisis, are now reveling in record bonuses while official unemployment is around 10 percent and unemployment in the manufacturing sector is at Depression-era levels. The financial industry preferred Obama to McCain. They expected to be rewarded and they were. Then Obama began to criticize greedy bankers and proposed measures to regulate them. And the punishment for this was very swift: they were going to shift their money to the Republicans. So Obama said bankers are ‘fine guys’ and assured the business world: ‘I, like most of the American people, don’t begrudge people success or wealth. That is part of the free-market system.’ People see that and are not happy about it. People want some answers. They are hearing answers from only one place: Fox, talk radio, and Sarah Palin.

Besides providing additional confirmation that Chomsky is a crank bomb-thrower*, this confirms our worst fears about the tea party movement.

*Only figuratively. I think.