
Video: Rachel Maddow and Rand Paul, Part 2

goddamnedfrank5/20/2010 9:41:46 pm PDT

re: #69 Floral Giraffe

If it’s ANY consolation, 29 Palms is worse.
Yes, Palmdale is bad.
Hope you can leave soon!
Could be worse, midsummer it’s hell.

I live in Montecito for fuck’s sake (lucked into one of those once in a lifetime rentals, I’m not rich), I grew up in Redmond and Seattle Washington. I’m just not built for this kind of suck. I really expected Bakersfield to be the crap town but was actually pleasantly surprised by it.

G’night, the race starts really early tomorrow, people just can’t wait to leave. I’m sure the organizers are starting to wonder what in God’s name they were thinking.