
Photo of the Day: I Fought Nazis, And They Don't Look Like Obama

I fly the Union flag, I like countries that win.10/30/2010 6:56:37 pm PDT

re: #83 Alouette

No, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are not anti-Israel, very far from it. However, the keffiyeh is a well known “pro Palestinian” fashion accessory. What they were doing at the Jon Stewart rally, I have no idea. Were the Westboro Phelps phreaks there too?

The only reason I could see them being at a “Rally for Sanity” is to speak against the flagrant muslim-hate as of late and that those who wore them don’t understand it’s been used as an anti-Israel item. But really, isn’t it just a normal run-of-the-mill garment for muslims?