
The Oregon Terror Plot That Never Was

palomino11/27/2010 11:56:24 am PST

re: #88 wozzablog

The minorty leader isn’t really all that much of a factor when the President is of the same party.

Pelosi got through a tonne of legislation in favor of the Presidents agenda. She was very effective. A lot of democrats didn’t like her for the hodgepodge that was the healthcare bill - but it didn’t mean they wanted Heath Schuler.

She was a succesful speaker in terms of bills passed but rubbed people the wrong way.

Very true, and something that republicans seem to be in denial about due to election results that have made them giddy and erect.

Congressional elections happen once every two years, but legislation like what just got passed happens only once every two generations. Republicans won big in the short term but they lost long term.