
Appeals Court OKs Federal Funds for Embryonic Stem Cell Research

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus4/29/2011 3:00:44 pm PDT

The British powers that be don’t seem to appreciate their republicans in their midst:

Anti-Royal Anthropologists Arrested for Planned Protest

Yesterday evening, while Prince William and Kate Middleton (now the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge) were making last minute preparations for their royal wedding, two well-known anthropologists were arrested for helping to plan a “Zombie Wedding” in downtown London. Although the anti-monarchist protest was advertised as street theater, police were apparently not amused by the promised appearance of a working guillotine, and the benediction “May Royal Heads Roll!” They hauled the couple off to jail.

Anthropologists Chris Knight and Camilla Power, who live together in south London, were arrested at their home along with a third activist for conspiracy to cause a public nuisance and breach of the peace. The arrest was filmed by a film crew and later posted on YouTube. Scotland Yard confirmed that they were still in custody as of 1 p.m. E.D.T. today.

To go with the wedding, the pair had planned street theater that they called a “Right Royal Orgy,” to begin in London’s Soho Square, proceed to Piccadilly Circus, and end at Westminster Abbey just when William and Kate were to be married.

Power teaches anthropology at the University of East London, where Knight also worked until 2009, when he was fired by the university in connection with organizing a previous political protest. The pair are celebrated for their contributions to the study of the evolution of human culture and symbolism, and are a regular fixture at evolution of language meetings. They are also founders and leaders in the London-based Radical Anthropology Group, and are known for their sometimes provocative political actions.


Hehe… the Brits don’t no French style revolution going on in jolly ol’ England!

The Radical Anthropology Group:
is apparently the home of someone who claims that menstruation is key to the origins of culture:

Hmmm… sounds like an … interesting lot.