
Village Voice: Pamela Geller's War (of Bigotry and Hatred)

stabby11/29/2012 12:02:22 pm PST
Indeed. I’ve had my fill of trying to engage with dumb-assery for the day. I should know better by now.

Careful argument is hard and tedious as is trying to find a reasonable position in a hard situation.

I think none of us want to take the time right now, I have to get up, make breakfast and get ready for a doctor’s appointment.

The fact is that this blog is in a war with paranoids, and that was my argument for years - beating down the nuts. BUT but, it’s better to do that by asking for a nuanced reaction to reality than to do it by trying to deny the problematic facts.

It’s better that people can debate the painful facts out loud and that reactions be kept reasonable by argument than that we keep the peace by not ever saying the things that set off the paranoids and idiots.