
Breaking: Mass Shooting at Oregon's Clackamas Mall

Targetpractice12/11/2012 5:33:19 pm PST

re: #93 erik_t

Oh, I see, that makes sense.

Because if I’m a member of the gun-hating Liberal Media, I’m going to spend so much more airtime covering shootings in ineffective gun-free zones, rather than focusing on all of the shootings (and, as above, 80-odd daily killings) in areas where guns are still allowed.

Internally-inconsistent shit-for-brains.

They have to keep alive the myth that criminals live in constant fear of gun owners, and that if such a thing every happened in a place where concealed carry is allowed, the shooter would be neutralized before he could get off a shot.

50 public shootings in 3 years and not one has had a valiant lone gunman take down the crazed shooter. But still, they keep the myth alive.