
James O'Keefe Settles on $100,000 Payment to Smeared ACORN Employee

Kragar3/07/2013 2:53:53 pm PST

Talk to the Hand: Glenn Beck Explains Extremism

Last night, Glenn Beck kicked off his television program with a long monologue about the rise of extremism in America. Of course, Beck insisted that he and his viewers are not the extremists but rather everyone else who doesn’t see how President Obama is trying to take away their guns, provoke civil unrest, and destroy America.

Eventually, Beck offered up a simple way of identifying extremists by using his own body, saying that the core - consisting of the “God-given helmet” of your head and the “God-given vest” of your chest - is what keeps you alive, which is why your body shuts down blood flow to your fingers and toes in times of emergency.

In the case of America, Beck explained, the Constitution is the core and people like Eric Holder, Cass Sunstein, Barack Obama, John Holdren, and Van Jones are the “extremities” that need to be cut off.

“I warn you, man,” he said, “hunker down because there is a storm coming and you’ve got to protect the core because the extremities are beginning to make a fist and they’re already beginning to throw blows”: