
Ann Coulter and the Council of Conservative Citizens, Part Deux

Scion92/16/2009 12:10:04 pm PST

re: #921 Render

“La Raza,” as “the race.” While it is true that one meaning of “raza” in Spanish is indeed “race,” in Spanish, as in English and any other language, words can and do have multiple meanings. As noted in several online dictionaries, “La Raza” means “the people” or “the community.” Translating our name as “the race” is not only inaccurate, it is factually incorrect. “Hispanic” is an ethnicity, not a race. As anyone who has ever met a Dominican American, Mexican American, or Spanish American can attest, Hispanics can be and are members of any and all races…”

The term La Raza is Latin America specifically refers to individuals of mixed race that are descended from the natives of south, Central America, etc.

Even at face value, a doctrine of ethnic rather than racial determinism is still repugnant.

“The term ‘La Raza’ has its origins in early 20th century Latin American literature and translates into English most closely as ‘the people,’ or, according to some scholars, ‘the Hispanic people of the New World.’ The term was coined by Mexican scholar Jos Vasconcelos to reflect the fact that the people of Latin America are a mixture of many of the world’s races, cultures, and religions. Mistranslating ‘La Raza’ to mean ‘the race’ implies that it is a term meant to exclude others. In fact, the full term coined by Vasconcelos, ‘La Raza Csmica,’ meaning the ‘cosmic people,’ was developed to reflect not purity but the mixture inherent in the Hispanic people. This is an inclusive concept, meaning that Hispanics share with all other peoples of the world a common heritage and destiny.”…”

Nail in the coffin. Go read the Cosmic Race (or as they render it the Cosmic People). The idea that mixed race ‘Hispanics of the New World’ are ethnically superior, and the world is destined to one day be both culturally and racially dominated by this “Cosmic Race” an ‘inclusive concept’ is absolutely ridiculous.

No Hispanic people use the term La Raza when referring to ‘the people’ as at has a very different connotation, and there are plenty of Mexicans willing to tell you just so. The word Aryan can have innocuous meanings too, but I’m pretty damn sure if a group is using it, they are neo-nazis. “La Raza” isn’t any different than “Aryan”; and I don’t mean morally, I mean literally they have a similar stigma in our respective cultures.

Every single racist Chicano/Latino group uses the term “La Raza” in their literature.

Even more condemnation, from La Raza’s site; some shilling for MEChA:

According to its mission statement, MEChA is a student organization whose primary objectives are educational—to help Latino students finish high school and go to college, and to support them while at institutions of higher education.

Does anyone seriously think that MEChA is not a racist organization? The La Raza quote still runs a smokes screen for MEChA. Their mission statement is to work as a student movement in promoting an ‘activist lifestyle’, and they actively proliferate racist literature on campus.

SPLC was right about Coulter and CCC; but remember they don’t have any issue with CAIR at all. On their entire hatemap, they have only identified one Chicano hategroup for ‘general hate’; which in SPLCspeak means they are antisemites, as apparently antisemitism isn’t its own form of hate. They specifically identify exactly 0 left-wing organizations from my count.

This defense you posted of La Raza is outrageously misleading. They, and the groups that La Raza shills for are without a doubt racist groups. Ethnic determinism is racism. Lets watch our own backs from sources on both sides of the aisle please.