
Violence in Tehran, Suicide Bomber at Ayatollah's Tomb

pre-Boomer Marine brat6/20/2009 1:29:33 pm PDT

re: #921 avanti

Do you know who won, and by what margin ? We may be certain there was corruption, but did it change the outcome ? What do we do with that information other then support the right to peaceful protest. I see lots of bitching about the worlds reaction, but very little about how it could be better done.

No, I don’t know who won, much less the margin.

I’ll give you just a few points, and from memory so bear with me.

1) The turnout surpassed all expectations by a large margin, throwing the expected outcome into a cocked hat.

2) The Ministry of the Interior initially contacted the Mousavi campaign, telling it that Mousavi was winning. Then, suddenly, the results flip-flopped.

3) Tabriz historically votes tribal ethniticity, big time. Mousavi was thereby a favorite son, but in the final announcement, it was said to have gone for Amadinejad by 60-odd percent.

4) In 30 municipalities, the totals of votes “counted” exceeded the numbers of voters registered.

5) Supreme Leader Khamenei violated law by giving his blessing to Amadinejad’s victory before the statutory period for examination (3 days) had elapsed.

Yes, I’m compellled to belief that the outcome was changed.