
LGF on Glenn Beck

Athos4/16/2009 10:16:10 pm PDT

re: #951 WestTexasJew

I guess we’ve found a new thread that brings out the long time low post count members to pontificate and defend libretarian nutjobs who have no issue supporting Birchers, Luap Nor, and shall we make the not so great leap to assume the very common topics that similar supporters are entralled with - like anti-semitism, trooferism, NAU / Amero and other conspiracies du jour?

How familiar is the ‘eating our own is not constructuve’ meme - why it reminds me of the same bleats from the neo-nazi’s who call for our looking the other way in the name of fighting islamofascism. Apparently, to them, we are to surrender our values and morals in order to provide them with the acceptance that they covet so much.

So, how’s this - We’ve picked our damn battles. You and those who you support who embrace this moral and intellectual bankruptcy, including Mr. Beck, are our targets. We feel quite confident in our ability to remain true to ourselves and not make deals with those who support and will cover odious and loony positions. You choose the fringe - live with that choice. We will not provide you with revelance you do not deserve.

Cockroaches do not like the light - and we will keep shining that light and highlighting the moral and intellectual bankruptcy demonstrated in the policies advocated by Beck, Birchers, Paul, Rockwell, and others.