
Overnight Open Thread

alegrias6/01/2009 8:51:37 am PDT

Al Jazeera (English) satellite TV is for GITMO detainees!

Yes, your tax dollars provide Al Jazeera Hate TV for GITMO detainees, according to Catherine Herridge, Fox News correspondent reported lived this morning at 8am EST.

Ms. Herridge was touring camps or sections 4, 5 and 6 of GITMO and when detainees playing soccer saw her, they yelled “CRIMINALS!” at the Fox News crew!

What a “discriminating” group of jihadists we have at GITMO, they’re really up on their Al Jazeera news. (By the way, convicted terrorist fundraiser Sami Al Arian’s daughter Laila is a producer for Al Jazeera TV here in Washington, DC. News for terrorists, by terrorist’s children)

(we must have Californians deciding whether Al Jazeera and aromatherapy—at taxpayer expense— make jailed criminals happier criminals)