
Cordoba House Developers: 'Hamas Does Not and Will Not Speak For Us'

webevintage8/16/2010 9:01:15 pm PDT

re: #943 Mr Pancakes

No Mrs Butterworth until he gets his balls cut off.

Hopefully in a couple of weeks.
The vet is like $120, but the clinic is $30 plus $5 for a rabies shot. But they get filled fast in the slots for male cats which they only have a few of since the priority is on getting the females spayed. We are on the waiting list for the next one.
I guess I’ve adopted another cat…but I could not just let him wander around meowing for food without breaking down and feeding him.

Night guys.
Tivo’d a Doctor Who…Girl in the Fireplace (i like this one a lot) so I’m off to watch and then to bed.