
Huckabee on Hannity: The Stimulus Bill Persecutes Christians

jcm2/13/2009 9:15:13 pm PST

re: #878 lifeofthemind

Trust everyone has read about/seen Pelosi blowing the Pakistani involvement in our Predator Ops. My passing daydream was some Flag Officer taking the occasion to throw his stars at her and curse her out but good on National Television. She really does deserve to be bitch-slapped publicly. Funny, I spend my time on other blogs urging people to be less inflammatory and here I affirmatively avoid hot button threads on topics like ID or Spencer et al but these Democrats are making hard for those of us who want a civil constitutional debate. People are getting killed because of this idiot.

Remember she isn’t even the real stupid Senator from California.

(Feinstein) that’s the kind of loose lips that get people killed. We’ve got people in Pakistan running the drones. Common knowledge that the are there puts them in danger. Pakistan is hanging by a thread politically, this will further weaken the thread. I know Pakistan is not great, but where it is at now is better then a full blown jihadi state. She just gave it big shove in that direction.

She should at the VERY LEAST lose her seat on the intel committee.