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b_sharp5/03/2010 9:29:35 pm PDT

re: #886 NJDhockeyfan

I’m not trying to cause trouble. Kudos for you for keeping your temper down. A few months ago you would be a raving lunatic by now.

It’s just I read stories that say lack of fog in SF is caused by global warming. Then I read heavy fog in SF is caused by global warming. Droughts are caused by global warming, heavy rain is caused by global warming, a busy hurricane season is caused by global warming, a light hurricane season is caused by global warming, light snow winter is caused by global warming, heavy snow winter is caused by global warming, plane crash off the coast of Brazil is caused by global warming, etc…

I just find anything other than ‘normal’ weather is being blamed on global warming and it just not believable any more.


You may be conflating proximate and ultimate causes. Step back and ask yourself how global warming would affect atmospheric moisture content and then ask how that changed moisture content would affect surface heating, through glacial build up, forest health, and cloud cover.

In politics, the rule is follow the money, in climate the rule is, follow the feedback systems.