
The Oslo Terrorist's 'Counter-Jihad' Ideology

Birth Control Works7/24/2011 9:53:09 pm PDT

re: #954 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

Hollywood isn’t colonizing anyone, not even culturally. They’re definitely not killing anyone off to get their resources. China’s own colonization efforts go way beyond economics, and put even Europe’s to shame in many ways. Now, yeah, their totalitarian system makes everything we own. They and India will also be the next wave of consumers (though that has nothing to do with colonialism.)

OTOH, Europe’s own problems with multiculturalism are 100% self-induced and were totally avoidable had they just kept to themselves instead of exploiting every continent on the planet for 200 years.

Life happens.

If Europe hadn’t gone thru her colonial phase, there would be no USA and know you and me.

I’m not going to second guess history—it happened. We are here.

Let’s try to deal with right now and OUR future.