
LGF on Glenn Beck

Scion94/16/2009 10:31:43 pm PDT

re: #945 Charles

Well, I didn’t call her a ‘leftist plant’ in my post. I wasn’t sure that anyone had posted the cache yet. Backtracking I see that it was. However, a poster also gave a link to this SomethingAwful thread; in which someone posts the Glen Beck 912 video and a poster called Cookiecache chimes in with a “lol”. The poster of the video replies…

I am going to assume that it is still a Glenn Beck 9 12 Project no matter the fact that in this late hour I now realize that I have fallen victim to your clever ruse

Cookiecache replies:

everyone else was real

i just came for some wings

then some political bloggers posted it no ?s asked

then mainstream news media chimed in

then glenn beck analyzed my utube for 30 mins

No offense to conservatives either, but her cached youtube channel also shows her top three hobbies/interests as “the ocean, gay rights, atheism” and that doesn’t fit the mold of a Glen Beck fanatic. Nor does it mesh with her interests of “Jesus Christ, religion, God” less than one year later.

The conversation in the thread also continues with the further intent to moby by other posters…

my next account is gonna be a gun owning mom. MossbergMommy1963

While I don’t think I’d use the term ‘leftist plant’ in the first place and she doesn’t seem to be intellectually or ideologically driven for that matter; she does seem to be just another teenage Goon moby based on the thread over at SomethingAwful. It might not be Court worthy evidence, but it looks pretty damning to me. I’d need to be presented with something overwhelming to prove that she wasn’t there to moby based on the content of the thread and the very dichotomous youtube accounts.

It is true that the general kookery, applauding and verbal agreement with her comment is appalling and I’m genuinely not trying to misdirect. Nor have I been chiming in to stick up for Dr. Beltway and his Paulestinians, because I’m not in agreement with them (or John Birchers, Glen Beck et cetera as a further disclaimer). I also didn’t go to either of my local Tea Parties because I don’t find the phenomena nor the ‘protest’ format in general to be a particularly useful political tool (although, with all of the brouhaha I’m now very curious and might actually go to the next one to spectate and report).

I’m just not willing to ignore this apparent trolling by this young woman in good faith any more than I am the other kookery though (especially the forum community to which she belongs that essentially is bent towards making finding the truth on any given matter on the internet more difficult, “for the lulz”). The claim that she was a ‘plant’ does seem to be true, even if Beck meant it to be a misdirection from the broader issue of kook subculture being mainstreamed that the video displays.