
Overnight Open Thread

Beach Lover2/16/2009 7:44:50 am PST

Morning all…quick drive by post, but think it great read about our dear leader. Hope it hasn’t been posted already. Send it to all on your email list, just in case they aren’t yet convinced that we have a scary man in the whitehouse.

It is clear that Obama and his fellow radicals are restive. In the less-than four weeks of his presidency, the new president has taken volumes from the Marxian handbook, which dictates that the stupid masses be blitzed with an overload of information, hollow press conferences, appointments, dismantling of formerly effective national-security programs, et al., in order to set the stage for a massive, Soviet-style takeover of our government, including a civilian national security force that Obama has said should be “just as powerful, strong and well-funded as the U.S. military.” Echoes of Nazi Germany in 1938, anyone?