
Another Incredible Time Lapse Video: The World Outside My Window - Earth From the ISS

Blind Frog Belly White12/08/2013 9:08:13 am PST

re: #85 Dark_Falcon

My own feeling is that Newt has had his fill of people like Ms. Baehr-Schaefer, who scream invective at all perceived ‘enemies’ even when doing that clearly just causes trouble, and whose concerns about purity prevent them from getting anything useful done. Newt Gingrich has always wanted to actually get things done; We can argue about if the things are wants are the right policy options, but he does see the government having responsibilities to act, not just sit and scream.

Nonsense. Newt is the ultimate cynical politician. It’s all about power to him, not ‘getting things done’. You’re talking about a guy who sat with Nancy Pelosi and said we have to take Global Warming seriously, then stood with the rest of the Clown Car to call it a hoax; who criticized Obama for not getting involved in Libya two weeks before he criticized Obama for doing exactly what Newt said HE’D do.

His schtick worked on the rubes of the GOP for a while, till they figured out he doesn’t really believe in anything except Newt Gingrich. There are still a number of people dumb enough to be fooled for a while, but even in that confederacy of dunces you call your party, people figure it out.

If he’s calling Mandela a statesman and criticizing those who attack him, it’s because he has made a political calculation that it will be to his advantage.