
Anatomy of an Evil Smear

Sufficient unto the day...6/30/2014 5:07:51 am PDT

(page removed since it deals with another user)

I hate to bring this up, because usually I love Gus and especially his ‘shops…but I have to point this one out, especially since it can directly affect me and my friends. This is not to accuse Gus of being one of these people, only to point out a potential problem to any unsuspecting websurfers.

Over in a comment Gus linked to a site called nametheproblem.

It would be unwise to consider that source remotely reliable.
Nametheproblem has its own problems

The nametheproblem site is especially vile since it specifically cites people whose sole noticeable “crime” against women (in the mind of Cathy Brennan) is to believe that transgender people deserve the same rights as cisgendered people…and then mixes their profiles in with men who murder and rape women and children.

A quick guide for in the wilds, whenever you see THIS line, or a variation: knowing that penis is male. , you are probably dealing with a particularly insidious type of moonbat called a Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist, or TERF for Twitter.