
Another Horrifying Moment in Missouri: High-Powered Rifles With Sniper Scopes Trained on Protesters

Scottish Dragon8/13/2014 11:27:16 am PDT

I’m taking a couple days off of my penchant for (self) righteous indignation at whatever went wrong today (or tomorrow or the next day) and doing something else.

AS I said earlier, I dislike arguments and I am not at all willing to damage friendships here for my opinion on something I have utterly no power to ameliorate in the first place.

So…time for a warhammer fantasy game with my son.
His ravenous ogres are preparing to devour my Tilean mercenary army on the field…

Drat. I took these lovely pictures of the game preparing to start and my photo size is too large to download. Don’t know how to fix that right now. Meh.