
Awesome Live Concert: Austin City Limits: Nickel Creek

Viscous Obama8/25/2014 7:58:31 pm PDT

I haven’t been to that site for a looooong time. Check out that new “Stand Your Ground” painting. Deep. And what is this, “Liberalism is a Disease”? Magnificent!

Jon Stewart
Comedian, hosted 2008 Oscars and set record for smallest number of viewers, like most liberals, uses humor to battle Conservatives. Two can play that game.

You tell them, John. Two CAN play that game!

Stephen Colbert
Political satirist and comedian, closet liberal with an agenda

Steven Colbert. Closet Liberal. You heard it here first!

Number One Liberal, everyone knows that Satan is an advocate for control and less freedom for the individual. By the way, Jesus was not a liberal.

Satan isn’t even a closeted Liberal. In fact, he’s flaming!

Liberal brainchild to bring alternative energy to America. Not very popular even in liberal states