
Video: CBS Staffers and Former Correspondents Strongly Contradict O'Reilly's "War Zone" Claims

Khal Wimpo (free internal organs upon request!)2/22/2015 3:32:28 pm PST

Meanwhile, flying around the wingnutosphere at supersonic speed, the Politico piece by a general about Obama’s plan to defang ISIS. Shorter: give us a blank check, allow us to mount coups against the Saudis and Turks, and prepare for 30 years of war. Oh yeah, and bring back the draft.

If you have a particularly strong stomach, scroll down to the comments. The anti-war side has been hijacked by Russia Today trolls, screeching about Zionist-controlled media enslaving white Americans into funding Israel’s wars of aggression.

When the hell did the anti-neocon ideology somehow become a hiding place for frickin’ racist shitbags?